Christof Radler MD,

Orthopedic Surgeon

Specialty Expertise:

Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Foot and Ankle Surgery at the Orthopedic Hospital Speising, Wienna, Austria

International Center for Limb Lengthening in Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Ilizarov Center in Kurgan, Russia

Professional summary

As a doctor, my main goal is to deliver high-quality care by utilizing my extensive experience, keeping up with the latest research, and approaching each patient with compassion and understanding.

I specialize in correcting both congenital and acquired deformities and malformations in children and adults, as well as treating clubfoot and performing limb lengthening. On average, I perform approximately 300 surgeries every year to alleviate these conditions.

Currently, I hold the position of full-time senior consultant in the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Adult Foot and Ankle Surgery at the Orthopedic Hospital Speising Vienna, where I have worked since 2009. Additionally, I serve as the Deputy Chief and Head of the Pediatric Orthopedic Team, a role which allows me to treat a broad range of pediatric orthopedic conditions from hip to toe.

Speaker and Faculty

Memberships and Affiliations

Publications and Presentations

Summary of important professional achievments
  • 1997-2000 First scientific research projects and co-authorships at the University of Vienna Trauma Center (Wozasek/Vecsei)
  • 1999 Clinical Elective and research at Kernan hospital Baltimore under Dr. John Herzenberg and Dr. Dror Paley (clubfoot, limb lengthening)
  • 2001 Residency and fellowship training at the department for pediatric orthopedics at the Orthopedic Hospital Speising
  • 2002 Observership with Ignacio V. Ponseti in Iowa and publication of Herzenberg JE, Radler C, Bor N. Ponseti versus traditional methods of casting for idiopathic clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop. 2002;22(4):517-21.
    Ranked 76 of 100 Classic Papers of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery.
    Kavanagh RG, Kelly JC, Kelly PM, Moore DP. The 100 classic papers of pediatric orthopaedic surgery: a bibliometric analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 18;95(18):e134.
  • 2003- Introduction of the Ponseti Method in Speising Hospital and dissemination in German-speaking countries and worldwide through talks, workshops and symposia at DAF, VKO, EPOS, EFORT, Baltimore Limb Deformity Course, Doctors for Disabled
  • 2003 Ilizarov Training Course at the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre Kurgan “Restorative Traumatology & Orthoaedics”
  • Scientific award of the German speaking society for pediatric orthopedics VKO 2004, 2007 and 2008.
  • 2005 und 2006 co-author of two important papers on CFD (CORR und JBJS-Am)
  • 2006 Author of the first German language research paper on the results of the Ponseti Method, followed by 3 further clubfoot papers in JBJS-Am as first author and another as senior and corresponding author.
  • Starting 2006- 2008 annual faculty member at the Review course of the German speaking society for pediatric orthopedics VKO, and the EPOS EFORT BAT course, the Baltimore Limb Deformity Course, and Ilizarov-Taylor Spatial Frame Course Vienna.
  • Since 2005 Demonstrating Surgeon at the Taylor Spatial Frame Visiting Surgeons Program VSP (3-4 times per years) und Co-Director of the program since 2012.
  • 2006-2012 Medical outreach and establishment of a Clubfoot clinic in Bamako Mali (8 mission trips).
  • Board exams for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery of the Austrian Medical Association December 2006.
  • 2009 Three-months fellowship at the International Center for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction with 2 further top 20% papers as first author and further papers on congenital limb deficiency (CFD, Fibulahemimelia)
  • 2012 Habilitation to Associate Professor at the Medical University of Vienna Medical on Congenital Deformities of the Lower Limb
  • since 2014 Co-Director of the Precice Lengthening Nail Visitation Program (7-9 times per year).
  • 2016, 2018 Medical outreach missions in Uganda und 2018 Ethiopia (with Drs. John Herzenberg and Mark Eidelman)
  • Board exams for Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Austrian Medical Association November 2017.
  • 2017 Associate Visiting Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
  • 2017-2019, 2021 and 2022 Faculty at the International Pediatric Orthopedic Symposium (IPOS) of the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America (POSNA).
  • Since 2020 member of the team Rare Disorders of Bone, Growth and Mineralization: Vienna Bone and Growth Center
  • 2021 Lower Limb Deformity Study Group Chair of EPOS.
  • 2021, 2022 First author of two paper on the outcome after Precice IM lengthening (Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics JPO und Acta Orthop)
  • Invitation as guest speaker at the Annual meetings of the South African Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Sept 2022 and Israeli Orthopedic Association Jan 2023

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